
  • Title: Trans-Cinéma
  • Genre: documentary
  • Contribution: writer, director
  • Production house : Program 33
  • broadcaster : ARTE
  • year : 2017

The animal cause is not his problem. At 40, polar punk singer Tanya Tagaq fights for the Inuit and campaigns for the right to devour seals in her country.

An experimental artist who has achieved a level of mainstream crossover success, Tanya Tagaq blends Inuit throat singing (traditionally done as a duet) with electronic, classical, punk and rock music.

“Tracks” is one of the longest and most respected programs on French TV.


Aired between June 2015 in July 2016, I wrote and directed 7 TV documentaries as a journalist for “Tracks” in the European newtork Arte. Each week this show explores all cultures : music, cinema, arts.


The first task was to find an eligible subject for their editorial vision. I mainly dealt with themes around new technologies and cinema. Then it was about go on set and therefore film sequences and then interview the artist in question. Hence I covered the Sundance Festival in 2016.The last task is to write the commentary injecting humor and information as well as supervising the editing of the show.